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April 3 City Council Study Session

In this meeting results of the first survey exploring the extension of the .5 cent sales tax were discussed.

August 28 City Council Study Session
August 28 City Council Study Session
This city council study session held a public hearing on the proposed ballot language to extend or expire the existing .5 cent sales tax. Council unanimously approved adding the language to this November's ballot.
August 17 City Council Meeting
August 17 City Council Meeting
During this meeting city council voted to hold a public hearing on the proposed ballot language on August 28.
July 17 City Council Study Session
July 17 City Council Study Session
During this session council reviewed the results of the second survey exploring voter interest in extending the existing .5 cent sales tax.
April 3 City Council Study Session
April 3 City Council Study Session
In this meeting results of the first survey exploring the extension of the .5 cent sales tax were discussed.
April 15 City Council Study Session
April 15 City Council Study Session
Discussion on .5 Cent Sales Tax Projects