Sustainability Spotlight - June 2024 - Embrace the Cool: Energy Savings Strategies for Summer

As we begin to bask in the glory and warmth of summer, the inevitability of increased energy bills lingers on our minds as we seek refuge in the cool comforts of our homes. But fear not! There are numerous ways to stay cool while keeping your energy consumption - and bills - in check.

For both renters, homeowners, and businesses alike, smart habits can create smart savings. Simple daily habits can lead to significant savings. For example, if you have a thermostat, increasing the set temperature by 7°-10°F when away can reduce cooling costs. Running dishwashers, laundry machines, and ovens during cooling hours can also prevent additional heat build-up inside, and of course, keeping your cooling systems clean and well maintained will ensure that they run efficiently. Bonus points for using Energy Star rated appliances!

Colorado’s climate is unique, and so must be its cooling solutions. Some tailored options to look into are Evaporative coolers, whole house fans, and heat pumps! Evaporative coolers are ideal for dry climates like ours, because they add moisture to them and use less energy than traditional AC units. For homeowners, whole house fans are a cost-effective alternative that draws cool air through the house and expels hot air through the attic. Alternatively, heat pumps are versatile systems that can cool and heat your home, a smart 2-in-1 investment!

For budget friendly options, consider natural cooling methods, such as taking advantage of Colorado’s cool nights. Opening your windows after dusk invites the cool air inside, just remember to close them again during the day! You can use blinds and curtains to shield your interiors from the relentless sun during peak hours as well! As of January 1, 2024, Coloradans can take advantage of tax credits to install heat pumps for space heating and cooling and water heating through the Colorado Energy Office.

Finally, maximize efficiency with tax credits, rebates, and Assistance programs! Colorado offers a suite of incentives that make energy efficiency an achievable goal for all residents! For starters, the Colorado Energy Office Weatherization Assistance Program partners with local weatherization agencies throughout the state to provide free weatherization services to Colorado homeowners and renters alike. Looking to do some home improvements? Local utility companies extend cash-back rebates for various energy efficiency upgrades. Programs like EnergySmart Colorado are a treasure trove of information and assistance.

By adopting these energy saving measures, not only do we ensure a cooler home environment, but we also contribute to a greener, more sustainable Colorado! Let’s take advantage of state and federal incentives, embrace natural cooling methods, and make informed choices about our energy use. Together, we can enjoy a comfortable summer while safeguarding our beautiful state for future generations.

Stay cool, stay green and save big this summer!

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