What is a Master Plan?

    A Master Plan is a long-range plan of action that is strategic and comprehensive in order to guide the development and improvement of an area of interest, such as Wheat Ridge. This is done at the very beginning of a project and helps define and unify the vision for the area. 

    Why are Master Plans important?

    Master Plans can help define project goals and needs, determine who may benefit or be impacted, and provide solutions that resolve overarching concerns or problems rather than viewing the project as a short-term fix.

    What is a storm drainage system?

    Rainfall has the potential to generate stormwater. The stormwater that is not absorbed by the ground due to impervious surfaces can spill over to roads or other hard surfaces. This is then collected by storm drainage systems.

    A storm drainage system is a network composed of structures, channels, and underground pipes that carry stormwater to ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers. Storm drainage systems are designed to control the quantity, quality, and timing of storm runoff. You may have even seen the above ground parts of these systems, such as pipe outfalls, inlets, or channels that are made of grass, concrete, or stone.

    What is Green Infrastructure?

    Runoff from stormwater is a major cause of water pollution in urban areas. This runoff can carry heavy metals, trash, and other pollutants through storm sewers and into local waterways. Heavy rainfall and runoff can also create flooding that may damage property and infrastructure.

    Communities have historically used gray infrastructure, such as concrete and systems of gutters, pipes, and tunnels, to move stormwater away from where we live to local bodies of water or treatment plants. Gray infrastructure is aging and its ability to manage large volumes of stormwater is declining. To mitigate this, many communities are adopting the practice of green infrastructure to strengthen their ability to manage stormwater.

    Green infrastructure for stormwater management consists of various methods that are designed to capture, filter, and reduce stormwater where it falls. These methods include plant or soil systems, pervious surfaces, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping. By utilizing these methods, it can ultimately reduce flows to surface waters and sewer systems.

    What are Nature-based Solutions?

    Nature-based Solutions are used to protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural and modified ecosystems. By implementing nature-based solutions, we are able to work with nature to provide benefits for not only nature itself, but human well-being as well. Nature-based solutions are important when aiming to protect ecosystems, biodiversity, and to reduce the impacts of climate change. 

    How can I get involved?

    You can help by being involved through the following actions:

    1) Drop a pin within the interactive map at the bottom of the page of places in Wheat Ridge that you have stormwater concerns. 

    2) Subscribe to stay informed of project updates.