What is the Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Pathway?

    The Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Pathway is a document that provides a roadmap for the development of recreational facilities, open spaces , and opportunities over the next 10+ years.  

    What is the project timeline?

    Phase 1 - Project Kickoff and Comprehensive Engagement [current phase]

    • A kickoff meeting was held with the City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Leadership to initiate project planning.  The meeting included a review of the process, a discussion regarding internal and external stakeholders, a list of deliverables, and a conversation about project goals and objectives.  
    • Public Input, Outreach, and Community Engagement involves a comprehensive engagement strategy that includes development of an online engagement platform, internal staff meetings, and public engagement with stakeholders and the community.

    Phase 2 - Data Collection and Analysis

    • This phase involves collecting data for park, facility, and open space inventory.  The consultants will evaluate levels of service, benchmark Parks and Recreation Resources.  They will assess recreation programs, budget, operations, staffing, needs assessment, cost recovery, sustainability, and design standards.

    Phase 3 - Visioning

    • BerryDunn consultants will hold workshops that conclude with recommendations, priorities, implementation strategies, and an action plan. 

    Phase 4 - Final Master Plan

    • A draft master plan will be developed and presented for final approval. 

    Phase 5 - Implementation

    • This phase involves workshop implementation, presentation to the City Council, and ongoing project management services.

    What does the Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Pathway include?

    Parks and recreation long-term planning is a comprehensive process that provides guidance and policy direction to local government decision-makers. The planning process, which engages stakeholders and garners public input, provides a foundation for understanding and responding to a community's parks and recreation needs. It involves strategically examining a community's vision, existing services, facilities, and resources, and assessing future needs concerning parks, recreation, and open space.

    How will it be used?

    The Parks and Recreation Pathway will provide a foundation for:

      • Building credibility, support, and consensus from community members and stakeholders
      • Informing community members about parks' needs and its community assets.
      • Identifying capital improvement goals in order to assess fiscal requirements and funding needs.
      • Guiding critical decisions about parks and recreation facilities, open space, infrastructure, programs, and services
      • Developing recommendations and an implementation strategy

    The Parks and Recreation Pathway process will transform the community's vision into a tangible plan to create excellent recreation opportunities, well-maintained facilities, and a customer-focused and responsive park system

    How can I get involved?

    There will be multiple opportunities to get involved and provide input. Please use the Ideas Wall, Map, and Survey to provide your comments.  Additional online and in-person engagement opportunities will be posted on the City of Wheat Ridge site as well as this site. You can also share your ideas by emailing using the contact information below.