Lutheran Master Plan
We have a community-created, council-adopted Master Plan
The city began preparing for the hospital’s departure from the Legacy Campus in early 2021 by facilitating a master planning process. From April 2021 to October 2021, community members were asked to share their vision for the future of the Legacy Campus.
The Lutheran Legacy Campus Master Plan was formally adopted by City Council in October 2021. It outlines a framework for future development and describes community expectations and goals that reflect public input and retain reasonable flexibility for future owners.
The development framework map on the left below illustrates the plan’s key expectations. Lower density and lower intensity uses are shown in yellow on the perimeter of the site, and a mix of uses that can be taller and more dense are shown in purple in the interior of the site. Reflecting these same principles, the suitability maps below show where certain land uses would be appropriate if they are proposed in the future.
The master plan describes three key expectations which represent the central tradeoff associated with future redevelopment:
- The perimeter should serve as a buffer and transition between the campus and existing adjacent neighborhoods,
- Future development should integrate existing assets to the greatest extent possible (such as the chapel, blue house, and trail along the Rocky Mountain Ditch), and in exchange,
- To make expectations #1 and #2 economically feasible, the interior will be afforded more flexibility in terms of land use and height.