Mini-roundabouts on 38th Avenue
We heard from the community about what's important on this corridor, including continuous sidewalks and bike facilities. Additionally, City Council suggested that we consider roundabouts at their meeting on January 22, 2024.
The final design alternative includes three mini-roundabouts to reduce vehicle conflicts, create smoother traffic flows at the intersections, and slow traffic. These mini-roundabouts will be at Tabor Court, Parfet Street, and Miller Street.
Crosswalks will be provided on all four legs of each mini-roundabout, including refuge islands across 38th Avenue. Necessary right-of-way to accommodate these new mini-roundabouts has been minimized.
Roundabout benefits include:
- Fewer vehicle conflicts with other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists compared to traditional intersections (refer to image below)
- Reduced delay due to not having to stop at a red light
- Smoother traffic flow
- Traffic calming and speed reduction
Image above: Roundabout design results in fewer conflict points than a traditional intersection.